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Glasgow, UK

Last Thursday, something really special happened. Our school hosts some night art classes for the adults that live in town. One night after I finished my work in the studio—around 9 pm—I wandered by their classroom and decided to check it out. There was a woman in her forties who was originally from Guangdong, China. We started chatting and, once she learned I had yet to eat anything, she insisted on letting me have her homemade dinner and snacks. It was such a touching moment, but I never saw her again.

Puno, Peru

My dad can’t live in Puno. The mountains are too tall, and his lungs are bad. Last year, we packed up our lives in Puno and moved to La Paz. I was the only new kid at school. It was so terrible that my mom and I moved back to Puno, so I could go to school with my old friends. I rarely see my dad anymore.