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Birmingham, AL

My favorite class was Chinese and I used to pass with 105%. Since the switch to online classes, I’ve failed out and withdrawn from the course. It’s absolutely miserable trying to speak a foreign language over video call in my opinion, so I stopped attending. Online classes gave me no structure and I pretty quickly lost all semblance of a healthy sleep schedule. Pretty soon I found it impossible to get out of bed for an 11 AM course and slept in. Then as soon as I’d missed the first one, I didn’t care anymore and missed another one. Then I felt like I was so behind that attending made me anxious because I knew I’d be called on and embarrassed, so I skipped three whole weeks of online meetings and failed out. 

South Bend, IN

I have no focus anymore. Online learning doesn’t energize me the same way that physically being on campus did and without the drive from others around me, I have a hard time finding motivation. 

South Bend, IN

My motivation before was mostly a problem only because I had so many things to do and my mental health issues made time management hard. Now, my mental health is so bad that it is difficult to find motivation even for a single task due the next day. Sometimes, it takes until the due date for me to have the mental energy to even start.

South Bend, IN

I have very low motivation during this coronavirus period. I have never been productive when working from my apartment. I have always gone to the library or study rooms to get my work done. Without campus desks, I am wildly less productive. I take much less joy from my classes and therefore feel much less motivation to invest my time in them.