The online format is not teachable. My entire major should be hands-on, in-person, and interactive in order to learn anything useful, but now class work is just busy work to pass out a grade.
My professor has been going on fewer tangents during class. I don’t have to have my Zoom video on, so I can fidget as much as necessary during class without feeling like a distraction to others. Also, if the material starts to become dull, I can run to my kitchen to get a snack for some energy, or just stand up by my laptop to try to wake my system up.
I think that for classes where you are lecturing, Zoom can work really well because it’s just transmitting information from a PowerPoint or a paper like a typical class. However, in my experience, in-class discussion has been a disaster, everyone talks over one another and you can tell we aren’t as focused. Also, nobody really cares about discussion. We just want to get it over with.