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New Haven, CT

My favorite class is much worse. I’m an Honors student and most of my classes are discussion-based, and discussion boards definitely do not generate the same level or depth of discussion. Also professors who were rather hands-on before the transition online are now taking a more hands-off approach which equals students being forced to teach themselves subjects instead. Ultimately, it typically becomes just a lecture after 20 minutes since students either aren’t as inclined to participate online or because they cannot due to environmental noise. It’s emotionally draining in a way that going to class isn’t. Honestly, Zoom calls go on for way too long and very little gets accomplished or talked about. It’s a waste of time and energy.

Indiana, PA

I think that for classes where you are lecturing, Zoom can work really well because it’s just transmitting information from a PowerPoint or a paper like a typical class. However, in my experience, in-class discussion has been a disaster, everyone talks over one another and you can tell we aren’t as focused. Also, nobody really cares about discussion. We just want to get it over with.