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New Haven, CT

My favorite class is much worse. I’m an Honors student and most of my classes are discussion-based, and discussion boards definitely do not generate the same level or depth of discussion. Also professors who were rather hands-on before the transition online are now taking a more hands-off approach which equals students being forced to teach themselves subjects instead. Ultimately, it typically becomes just a lecture after 20 minutes since students either aren’t as inclined to participate online or because they cannot due to environmental noise. It’s emotionally draining in a way that going to class isn’t. Honestly, Zoom calls go on for way too long and very little gets accomplished or talked about. It’s a waste of time and energy.

Elgin, IL

My production methods class used to be very fun because we did a lot of physical projects. The switch to online classes made it harder and overwhelming as my professor did not ease up on course work. We now had to digitally respond to classmates’ work instead of in-person critiques. We also used to have required field trips but they were turned into required reflections on certain videos and articles.

West Lafayette, IN

The online format is not teachable. My entire major should be hands-on, in-person, and interactive in order to learn anything useful, but now class work is just busy work to pass out a grade.